Chieti, January 20, 2020. The Territorial Director of the important bank Intesa Sanpaolo, Pierluigi Monceri, met with the President, the CEO and the Managers of Walter Tosto SpA. Following his territorial reorganization, the Bank proposed a meeting in order to combine the desire to introduce the new management with the news of the increased credit lines made available to the company. Luca Tosto, CEO, expressed his thanks to Intesa Sanpaolo bank: “I thank all the people working every day for Walter Tosto spa. Intesa Sanpaolo is a partner who has been accompanying us for a long time and with whom we celebrate our successes year after year”.

Luca Pierfelice, CFO, concluded: “It is an enormous satisfaction to learn about this update, the result of teamwork, reliability and enthusiasm expressed on every major transaction connected to the Bank”.