For Walter Tosto the new generations have always been a valuable resource; for this reason, the company is glad to provide them all the occasions they could benefit to acquire and enhance their knowledge and work experience.
In these days, several students from the Technical Institutes “A. Volta” of Pescara and “L. Di Savoia” of Chieti, and a group of students of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, have been welcomed in the company for carrying out an internship period, during which they will be able to put into practice all the theoretical notions they have learned at school; moreover, they will have the opportunity to experience the way to operate of a company which works through a global approach, but is locally contextualized at the same time.
The High School students, after the presentation of the company and the job safety training, were included in the mechanical department and laboratory, welding and robotics department and in the ITER division, under the supervision of their respective tutors.
Students of the University of Bucharest are instead doing a period of training in the engineering and design areas, in several Italian companies. “We are here in Italy to acquire technical skills that we will bring back to our country“, answered one of the students of the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, who added: “We are very lucky to do this experience in a technologically cutting-edge company as Walter Tosto, which is well known all around the world”. Asking the question “What do you expect after the training in Walter Tosto?” One student replied: “After the training period, definitely we will get out with an enhanced set of skills and we will be grown up, both personally and professionally“.
Among the students and the company there is always an exchange that enriches both parties. Trainees have the opportunity to learn the dynamics and working principles of an important business and to lay the foundation for their future professional growth, while the company can get the chance to meet young future employees, to appreciate their curiosity and the freshness of the their ideas. The most deserving students will be indeed considered in order to be hired by the company.