We are pleased to welcome nineteen students from the “Di Marzio-Michetti” professional institute of Pescara (Italy) at our headquarter. These young men have chosen Walter Tosto SpA to carry out a training program, and they are willing and committed to acquire the most advanced welding techniques in the sector.

This 120 hours welding course for students of the fourth year class – Mechanics address – was preceded by a specific course on safety at work.

Students have access to a laboratory equipped with modern tools and are supervised directly by our technicians.

The welding activity represents the heart of our manufacturing processes, which is why we organize different training courses every year, for students and non-students. About 50% of course participants find employment in the company.

Luca Tosto, CEO of Walter Tosto SpA: “We believe that school-work alternation, when properly and safely organized, is an excellent opportunity for both, companies and students. With these training courses, companies have the chance to get to know future workers even before completing their studies, while students have the opportunity to live in the company reality and to immediately put into practice the concepts studied at school. Limiting these school-work training programs would interrupt the fruitful relationship developed in recent years between the world of education and the world of work”.