The nuclear industry launches the manifesto for the new EU mandate, and Walter Tosto is among the signatories!

VP Nuclear & Big Science, Massimiliano Tacconelli, was present, along with representatives of the European nuclear industry, at the presentation of the manifesto, which calls on the new European Commission to recognize nuclear energy as a key solution to the EU’s challenges: climate change, affordable and accessible energy, and security of supply.

Yves Desbazeille, Director General of NucEurope, emphasized the need for the next Commission to treat nuclear power on par with other fossil-free technologies, focusing on objectives such as decarbonization, competitiveness, and energy sovereignty.

The manifesto calls for:

  • Equal treatment of all zero-impact technologies
  • Consistent policies to facilitate nuclear deployment
  • Access to EU nuclear funding and financing
  • Inclusion of the nuclear fuel cycle in the taxonomy of sustainable finance
  • Support for innovative nuclear technologies and a skilled nuclear workforce