Today 28 April is the world day for safety and health at work.

According to INAIL (the Italian insurance institute for injuries at work) data, 555.236 reports of accidents at work happened in 2021 in Italy (+ 0,2% compared to the same period in 2020), 1.221 of which with a fatal outcome (-3,9%). The number of work related pathologies has increased by 22,8% (55.288 cases).

The Walter Tosto Materiality Matrix reflects the priority that Health and Safety in the workplace represent for the company and its Stakeholders, with the aim of strengthening the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) n. 3 and n. 8.

By applying the Health and Safety Management standard in the workplace according to the ISO 45001 standard, Walter Tosto SpA has always placed in the foreground the protection of the health of all workers, both internal and external to the company, in all its facilities.

Walter Tosto, President and founder of the company, stated: “Through the adoption of rigorous safety policies and the continuous training of our employees, we aim to make our workshops more and more safe, in order to reduce possible risks and eliminate the number of accidents over time”.