The main representatives of the territory get together for the Holocaust Memorial Day

January 25, 2016, Prefecture of Chieti. The press conference organized in occasion of the Shoah‘s commemorative event was held yesterday.  Around the table, the main representatives of the territory talked about the theme of the event, which will take place on Wednesday January 27th 2016 at Marrucino Theatre of Chieti, with the aim to promote it and above all for highlighting the message to share. “There is a strong need to sensitize young people, by condemning violence in all its forms” said the mayor of Chieti, Umberto Di Primio. The event, organized by the Prefecture of Chieti is indeed addressed to young students, which will stage a theatrical performance about the Jewish holocaust . “The theatrical performance illustrating the historical facts has the purpose to transmit a memory through the emotional participation” said the Prefect Antonio Corona : “Emotions enhances memory retention, and the theater is the best form to transmit this experience to people who never lived it”.

Walter Tosto was glad to accept the request to provide support for this important event: “Our company wants to be close to the institutions of the territory in which it is rooted, for this reason, we are delighted to sustain the most significant activities organized for the population”  said the CEO of the company, Luca Tosto during his intervention.