The “Ideal Entrepreneur” Award, an event promoted by the Cultural Association “Ulisse 2000”, was celebrated this morning at the Province of Pescara, in order to reward the most prestigious people in the economic context of the Abruzzo region: well known entrepreneurs who distinguished themselves for their virtuous behavior also during crisis periods, as an example, by avoiding layoffs, managing the company in a correct and admirable way and having good relationships with their employees.

Our President Walter Tosto received the important award for his rich and growing professional path, started 55 years ago, when he was a young metalworker.

The award was also assigned to the local entrepreneurs Filippo Antonio De Cecco, Camillo Di Nisio, Enio Barbarossa, Goffredo D’Aurelio e Gianfranco Falcone. The ceremony was presented by the director of Rete 8, Pasquale Pacilio, with the presence of civil, militaries and religious authorities.