The following video shows the hot forming of stainless steel curves with molds made in house by our staff. In the past, we used to purchase such parts from external suppliers.

In our sector we often deal with the “make or buy” dilemma, so we have to decide whether to build the single components of a product by ourselves or to buy them from the outside.

But regardless of the decisions that may be different based on the characteristics of the single orders, we believe that “a good metallurgic manufacturer should be able to make any piece of metal” (quote by Luca Tosto).

Certainly the choice of fabricating even the smallest pieces internally is not the most convenient in economic terms, since it is necessary to invest in machinery, spend time, employ people and take on the risk that, in a different way, would fall on the supplier.

But if we look beyond the mere economic choice in the short term, we can understand that the most important investment is the one made in the know-how of the team, which learn how to perform new processes, increasing its expertise: an immaterial resource of inestimable value.

Thanks to our investments in know-how, today we are able to independently construct any manufacturing part.