Today we had the pleasure of welcoming the Intesa Sanpaolo Bank’s Head of Territorial Division, Stefano Barrese, the Territorial Director Tito Nocentini and the entire Corporate chain of the Institute at our facilities in Chieti. Intesa Sanpaolo is one of the most important Italian banks and it has always been an excellent partner of the Tosto Group, with which it carried our challenging jobs for very important customers.

We aim at quality at 360 degrees, also in banking relationship” said Luca Tosto, Managing Director of the Group who added: “I thank Stefano Barrese and the Team for the excellent advice they dedicated us today“. Luca Pierfelice – Group CFO – also thanked the Bank once again for its visit, stating: “After this kind of meeting we always have many point of reflection for our projects“. The Bank delegates once again expressed their willingness to accompany the Tosto Group towards future challenges with their concrete presence.