Italy is one of the first countries in the world in the nuclear research field. In the last three years, Italian companies obtained contracts for more than 900 million euros, about 60% of the value of the European orders for high level technology component manufacturing, related on the international fusion research project Iter, which, for Italy, is coordinated by ENEA. (Source:
The Iter project has the purpose of generating a safe, practically unlimited, economically competitive, renewable energy source to allow fossil fuel usage reduction.
The research is based on the principle of exploitation of the huge energy quantity released by nuclear fusion reactions, in which, lightweight atomic nucleus, hydrogen for instance, merge together to compose heavier nucleus, by reproducing the physical mechanism that happens when stars burn.
The potentially interested companies are about 500. Walter Tosto SpA appears among the most important ones, by having acquired a contract, together with Ansaldo and Mangiarotti (being part of the AMW consortium), for the production of seven sections of the vacuum vessel, the Iter project’s core. Moreover, Walter Tosto SpA is involved in the manufacturing of Cassette Body, Casing for JT-60 SA and components for Inner Vertical Target.
Fundamental concepts about nuclear fusion reactions and the state of the art research on the nuclear fusion and magnetic confinement will be illustrated on February 13th 2015, during a workshop organized by the Order of the Engineers of the province of Rome, in collaboration with the research center ENEA. The technical seminary will focus on “Nuclear Fusion and its perspectives” and will take place at the ENEA center of Frascati. Walter Tosto SpA will participate to the event in order to relate about its industrial experience in the fusion area, with the intervention of Paolo Bonifazi, Business Development Manager of the company.