Acceptance ceremony of the first two compliant sectors for the ITER project in Cadarache, France

Today, we participated in the acceptance ceremony for the first two conform sectors of the ITER Organization project in Cadarache, France. One sector is European, built under the contract between the AMW consortium (Ansaldo Nucleare, Mangiarotti, Walter Tosto) and Fusion for Energy while the other is South Korean.

During the event, we were presented with a plaque of appreciation, which, as ITER‘s General Director Pietro Pietro Barabaschi emphasized, serves as a symbol to be brought back to the company and shared with all the workers who contributed to this achievement. His words highlighted that without the physical work and dedication of those who physically construct these complex works, reaching such extraordinary milestones would not be possible.

Present at the ceremony was our VP Nuclear and Big Science Director, Massimiliano Tacconelli who emotionally recalled the incredible transformation of the site over the years, from a simple stretch of grass to the cutting-edge facility it is today.