Walter Tosto SpA has signed the “Patent Box” agreement with the Income Revenue Authority – Regional Directorate of Abruzzo.

This is an optional taxation regime for business income deriving from the use of intangible assets such as copyrighted software, industrial patents, designs, models, as well as legally protectable processes, formulas and information relating to experience acquired in the industrial, commercial or scientific field.

The aforementioned regime aims to maintain and encourage the placement in Italy of intangible assets currently held abroad by Italian or foreign companies and to encourage investments in research and development.

With this agreement, Walter Tosto was granted access to a facilitated taxation regime for income deriving from the use of intangible assets in the period 2016-2020.

“This achievement, which rewards our constant commitment in Research and Development activities, was the result of a long investigation phase that began in 2016 in consultation with the Regional Directorate” declared the CEO of the company, Luca Tosto.

“The agreement represents an important milestone for Walter Tosto SpA, not only in economic terms, but also in the consolidation of the Tax-Taxpayer relationship, today increasingly protected by loyal cooperation, transparency and compliance” concluded the C.F.O. Luca Pierfelice.