The Aterno-Pescara river basin is a rich area both from an environmental perspective and from the point of view of the local economy. In recent years, however, this area is experiencing a significant economic recession, with a consequent unemployment increase. Flumen aims to be a comprehensive system of measures for the redevelopment of production and employment in this area, in line with an environmental protection plan.

The event to discuss the project – which will take place in Pescara, on Thursday, January 28, from 9:30 am, at “Museo delle Genti d’Abruzzo”, via delle Caserme, 24 – will be an opportunity of discussion and exchange among regional institutions, labors and employers unions, and local companies to discuss about the complex crisis in the area.

The goal is to promote a recovery plan of the productive and employement systems in the perspective of sustainable development.

Luca Tosto, as Managing Director of Walter Tosto SpA, will intervene to bring the contribution and experience of the company, which operates in the Abruzzo region since 1960.