The kick-off of the Flumen initiative was held yesterday morning in Pescara, at the auditorium Petruzzi. The project aims to revitalize and upgrade the productive and employment system of the Aterno-Pescara’s basin, an area that includes 118 districts in the provinces of Chieti, L’Aquila and Pescara, which are experiencing a complex crisis situation.
The project aims to create a local development plan sustained by a multi-fund financial support in order to boost local economy.
Representing the industrial categories of Abruzzo in the frontline, Luca Tosto of Walter Tosto and Enrico Giaquinto of Dompè, both stressed the importance of focusing on human resources’ quality within the territory, by creating connections between companies, schools and universities, in order to implement a training program tailored to the needs of the modern industry. “The industry in our region also suffers because of the lack of suitable infrastructure for oversize transports“, added Luca Tosto.
The initiative will be supported by the technical departments of the economic development of the Region and Invitalia SpA: “We expect sustainable development-oriented requests” said Bernardo Mattarella of Invitalia. Giovanni Lolli, Vice President of the Regional Council of Abruzzo with responsibilities in economic development took note of the companies contributions and explained: “We intend to continue to simplify procedures and direct incentives instruments”.